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Traditional Velvet Rope Stanchions

Retractable Belt Stanchions

Plastic Stanchions with Plastic Chain
 is your best source for crowd control stanchions, including retractable belt stanchions and classic VIP metal posts for hanging velvet ropes, pedestrian barriers, traffic cones and barricades and many more products related to crowd management. We sell to businesses, universities and local governments. Most popular products are: Retractable Belt Barriers, Classic Velvet Rope Stanchions and Plastic Stanchions.

Instant Retractable belt barrier system provides exceptional value.

Retractable belt barriers are a most effective and inexpensive way to control and manage the queues of people in busy areas such as airports, train stations, stadiums, hotels, banks, shopping malls, theaters, parks, hospitals, public offices etc. They can help in controlling the flow of people in a disciplined manner, especially during rush hours. They can also be used to cordon off an area in case of an emergency or accident.

Many businesses that must deal with scores of people daily find it suitable to put retractable barriers at their public counters. Retractable belts let people walk in a queue and help avoid any fight or misunderstanding between people. This can help the officials in carrying out their work without any disturbance.

Retractable belts are easy to handle and can be moved and shifted easily. They are available in many shapes, sizes, styles and colors to suit your needs. If you are looking for good quality retractable belts then visit our website to find a wide range of retractable belt barriers. We supply superior quality belt barriers to businesses as well as individual customers. We assure you that our fine quality instant retractable belt barrier system will provide exceptional value to your business.