The Velour Rope Deception

Velour rope gives the same impression as velvet rope. Only fabric experts would be able to notice the difference. Velour is a plush fabric that is knitted together or created textile style. The most common fabric used to make velour is cotton, although polyester and other synthetic fabrics may also be added.

Since velour is knitted, it is stretchable. This makes it more durable than many velvets. It feels like velvet but moves more like spandex. When it comes to any type of furniture or upholstery, velour is often substituted for the traditional velvet material. Not only because of its stretchy qualities, but also because it is less vulnerable to damage than velvet is. This means that most of the so-called ‘velvet ropes’ are really velour rope. Velour is popular for use in theaters, particularly the curtains and drapes.

Cotton velour is treated with flame retardant chemicals before being used. It also tends to be stain resistant and easy to clean. The silky look and feel of velour tricks many into believing it is a luxury fabric. Velour can actually shimmer with movement or changes of light.

This combination of benefits that coincide with using velour rope instead of velvet rope are evident. Customers will not be able to distinguish one from the other. This makes velour rope a popular option for crowd control products like velvet ropes and stanchion posts. Velvet Ropes